The Halloween “This Or That?” Tag

With Halloween just a few days away, I thought it was time for another fun tag. I got this one from YouTube, I think. IDK. It’s been sitting in my drafts for a while.

Let’s get right to it.

Chocolatey or fruity candy?

Uhhhh… ummmmm… don’t make me choose! I’ll have chocolate-covered fruity candy, thank you very much.

Witches or vampires?

Vampires, I think? Both are cool, but vampires narrowly win because I adore Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I’m fascinated by the idea of their longevity and really want to write a story about vampires someday so I can explore how many historical events a single one could conceivably have lived through. God, was that a nerdy answer or what.

Trick or treat?

I love to make people laugh, so I’d have to say trick. I also love planning, so I’m sure I’d have fun creating this elaborate series of pranks to scare people. Maybe I could pull that off with some friends this year? We still have a few days left until October thirty-first.

Halloween party or scary movie?

Halloween party! I would watch scary movies with my horror-loving friends if they didn’t always suggest something gory, but they do and I can’t deal. So, no scary movies for me, alas alas.

Skeletons or zombies?

I love Skulduggery Pleasant… and I love the boy who was part man and part skeleton

Trick-or-treat or hand out candy?

Trick-or-treating, definitely! I’ve helped hand out candy after my friends and I were done trick-or-treating and it wasn’t nearly as much fun as the first half of our evening, lol.

Hay ride or corn maze?

Depends. I wouldn’t choose either if the hay ride is during the day or the corn maze is tiny. I love hay rides in the moonlight and ginormous corn mazes !!!

Scary costume or funny costume?

A funny costume – because, again, I love to make people laugh. The scariest Halloween costume I ever had was a severed head on a plate (I made it myself!) but tbh it was’t that scary so I’d better stick to the funny stuff that I know I can do.

Pumpkin seeds or pumpkin pie?

How is this even a competition? Pie, obviously. I eat like maybe three roasted pumpkin seeds per year.

Bottle feed a baby zombie or walk alone through a dark forest?

Who writes these questions?

Anyway, zombies creep me tf out and I’m never really sure how to properly hold a baby. So I’ll choose walking through a dark forest alone. #fairytalevibes

Bats or black cats?

Ahhhh bats are adorable, but I’m such a cat person. I miss my cat so much that my goal is to cross paths with as many black cats as possible. GOTTA PET THEM ALL.

Pumpkin spice or hot chocolate?

Hot chocolate all the way.

Celebrate in your neighborhood or at the mall?

I’m not judging,* just curious: Do people really celebrate Halloween at the mall? Because I’ve never heard of anyone doing that. I’ve only ever celebrated Halloween in the neighborhood – or rather, in someone else’s neighborhood, since there weren’t any other kids nearby when my brother and I were little. (Of course, now that we’ve grown up and headed off to college, there are plenty. Fuck.)

*Well, maybe just a little. Because how did that tradition even start? Like, I’m trying to wrap my mind around it and I can’t. Please help a small confused blogger out.


I’m tagging:

And as always, feel free to participate whether or not I tagged you. (Or ignore this tag, if you so choose.)


Stay spooky, kids. What are your plans for Halloween this year?

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3 Responses to The Halloween “This Or That?” Tag

  1. orphu44 says:

    I feel like mall Halloweens aren’t just “hang out at the mall,” but a mall that’s prepared so you can go from store to store trick-or-treating and getting candy if you hae a small child and don’t want to do outdoor trick-or-treating because you’re in a neighbourhood where trick-or-treating isn’t very successful, or it’s all cold and dark or inhospitable outside, or you’re worried about your little kid’s safety or the like. I’ve never done it but I have heard of it.

  2. I know I haven’t caught up on all the other tags you’ve tagged me in but I really need to do this one! 😀

  3. Pingback: Halloween This Or That Tag | Rambling Writer

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